Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This is my DAD, Verdel. He is a wonderful man. When I was little I thought that all men were evil. I thought God didn't know I existed. My childhood included a very sick man (my birth father). I am grateful that he created me but that would be it. God knew me. He watched over me. He couldn't control my birth father. He did give us free will. However God could watch over me and let me see the blessing that I have received. My mom finally got out of that horrible situation with her first husband. She used food to comfort her pain. She started meeting friends and they introduced her to O.A. (over eaters anonymous). This is were she met my dad. We lived in V.A. They dated for over two years. My two brothers and I were not so nice to him. I think in our minds that if our birth father could be the way he was with us, all men have to be this way. Verdel stuck it out. He was tough. I am not saying he never was hurt by us children but he was patient and never left us. They married and not long after my dad retired from the navy. My mom and dad decided we all needed a fresh start so my dad moved us to his childhood home, Nebraska. It was different, small, and it was slower paced. At the time it was scary and I was broken. God knew I needed Nebraska. I came out of my shell and started healing. It has taken over 21 years but I think I am almost there. I think most of my wounds are healed. My DAD is a wonderful man. He stuck by and loved me unconditionally till I was ready to except him. He never had any biological children but instead got three broken kids from his marriage. He excepted us as though we were his and he never looked back. I was sixteen before I started to let him in but by the time I was eighteen I truly felt blessed to have such a wonderful DAD and let him know so. When I had my first child, my dad was in the delivery room with me. I felt he deserved to have the experience of child birth. He may not have created us but he made us. I wanted him to see life from the beginning. A child undamaged, a child free to love unconditionally. I am glad he was in the delivery room with me. I was a scared little girl and he kept me calm. To this day Douglas and My DAD have a special bond. He is a caring grandpa. Teaching them all how to build things, how to work on cars, and most of all he is teaching them to love unconditionally. I am blessed. I am grateful that he loves me....

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