Summer is here. Douglas is out helping Grandma with her garden. He has joined the swim team. He has taken first every time so far. I am so impressed with my son. He has made sure that everyone knows his needs. He has his coach signal when the whistle is blown. He entered a speech contest for deaf and hard of hearing. He didn't win but I think he did well for his first time. His poem was featured in Boystown National Research Hospital's Newsletter. He is going to two deaf camps this summer. His summer is full and he wants to Hay for a friend as well. What he has done in all of sixteen years. He is going to be an amazing man someday. I am sure I am prejudice. He is my son after all.
Lisa, Douglas is an amazing young man and I admire him for all he does! I still have not forgotten about his poem and want to feature it on my blog. It is boys like him that provide us "newer" moms to this world hope for our deaf babies. I know you're one proud mamma!